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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  June 19, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> they used a knife. typically they will rob a person, in this case the suspect chose to stab the victim multiple times. >> we took to a woman who was with the group and says it was not a planned robbery and he was the only one involved. >> she didn't know what was going to happen. neither my boyfriend. he didn't know what was going to happen. we were at the wrong place at the wrong time. >> reporter: all three will return to court july 11. at 6:00 p.m. how this type of crime impacts the community. live in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. we have new information tonight about the bust of a sex trafficking ring in the bay area. a story ktvu channel 2 news broke last night at 10:00 p.m. the couple isaccused of
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running a brothel in san jose. and now we learned they are suspected of being part of a larger operation. ktvu's alex savage is live with the details and the charges they are facing. alex? >> reporter: prosecutors said today they are worried the defendant could post bond and leave to china where he is from. he is facing charges of pimping and human trafficking and his wife is facing the same charges but right now she is on the run. >> reporter: accused of forcing women to work as prostcute, zhi liu was -- prostcute, zhi liu was in -- prostitutes, zhi liu was in court. a judge orded zhi liu not to leave california if he posts bond. >> i think we always have concerns about people leaving
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the country. especially when they are from another country. >> reporter: he is accused of running a brothel. agents searched the place yesterday, seizing $50,000 in cash, computers and records. investigators say the evidence suggests zhi liu and his woman brought in women to work as prostitutes. the district attorney explained why they were rotated between before brothels. >> less likely that they will be recognized by anybody. less likely they will form any kind of relationship and somebody to report to. moving them around keeps them helpless. >> investigators also uncovered brothels in fremont and sacramento. 10 women were rescued. they weren't being held against their will but they were
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dependen their pimps. >> one woman was afraid. >> the attorney said in court there is no evidence his client brought women here from over seas. the brothel owner is facing 20 years in prison if convicted. investigators tell me they are following up on leads trying to find the defendant's wife who remains at large right now. why are investigators saying the brothels uncovered in california are just the tip of the ice burg? i will have more tonight at 6:00 p.m. live, alex savage, ktvu channel 2 news. new developments tonight in the death of a six-year-old boy after his uncle's dog bit him. this is a picture the family gave us of the boy and the dog together. the dog has been put to death. it was a decision between authorities and the owner who
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was a police officer. reports say the boy might have been trying to ride the dog like a horse when it bit him and he appeared alert and responsive on the way to the hospital but later died. bart is about to be audited by a retired police chief who report a critical report. ktvu's claudine wong tells us what writers want to -- riders want to see done. >> reporter: we watched as a police officer helped a rider. although progress and perception can be two different battles. one rider is not sure why he doesn't feel safe. >> i am not sure. i just don't feel safe. >> reporter: it has been four yearsinse oscar grant was shot and killed. -- years since oscar grant was shot and killed.
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>> we are further along than what i expected. did some things i didn't expect we were able to do. >> reporter: the chief admits more can be done and points to may 10 when a naked man accosted riders. some say police response was lacking. >> based on what i know right now, they had nothing to do with short coming on the response. failures belong to bart police department. >> safety a big topic. unions say its workers are targeted. the chief says they are working on it. one rider wants to keep things moving in the right direction. >> keep on going. >> the review covers training, policy, procedure, it will be done by man who worked on the
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noble report in 2009. it will start in july, cost $25,000 and should be done in a couple months. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. a private screening on the movie based on the oscar grant shooting is scheduled for tomorrow. he plans on attending the screening. the movie was a big winner at the film festival. it was shot in the east bay. it opens july 12. new at 5:00 p.m. mayors from several california cities including san francisco, oakland and san jose were in sacramento meeting with the government about the new budget. ktvu's ken pritchett is live there now. they are happy with the budget but they have concerns? >> reporter: they do. the bay area's big three mayors met with the los angeles mayer and other big city mayors to
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meet with the governor and talk about the budget. they feel like they lost a valuable tool when it comes to job creation. >> reporter: it looked like a reunion. all smiles as mayor ed lee, mayor jean quan and chuck reed filed into the governor's office. they thanked speaker of the house john boehner thanked area -- governor jerry brown for a budget passed on time. they said it will help their cities. the budget targets more money for k-12 students who are english learning or poor. >> a third of my kids are low income kids so they will get extra money to give kids a more even start. >> but they have disagreements. governor jerry brown wants to
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eliminate enterprise zones which mayor ed lee says it has helped create jobs. >> reward companies. >> reporter: they are impacted by the governor's prison realignment plan. cities must deal with more defenders. more adult education is needed. >> it is difficult for the people to get jobs if they don't have a high school education. which most don't. >> reporter: the budget has passed but it could change with the governor's veto. the budget awaits his signature. ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. a federal court should expand its over sight of mental health treatment, that was the argument by attorneys acting on behalf of inmates. they say two deaths show the prison system hasn't made the improvements the state ordered. officials say the state is
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givingproper care. the motion to expand is expected to last for several days. tomorrow could be the day the supreme court hands down its ruling on prop 8. they heard arguments on the same-sex marriage ban in march. if a ruling is not issued tomorrow it would have to be made on monday, the last date for rulings during the session. breaking news now. james pheney died. he suffered a major heart attack today in italy. he first became famous playing hit man in true romance and then he was cast as tony soprano. he won three emmys for that role and appeared in get shorty and zero dark thirty. he was only gun years old.
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house -- 51 years old. house fire started in a garage after midnight. a woman living in the home says she smelled smoke and called 911. . >> they told me to get out. i got out and i saw the smoke. >> it took firefighters an hour to get the fire under control. no one was injured. according to the fire chief it cost $70,000 -- caused $70,000 in damage. we have new develops about a fire near yosemite national park. 300 people were allowed to return to their homes over night. 400 other are still evacuated. it burned 1600 acres and still only 40% contained. it was less windy today across the bay area and the wa
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>> ktvu's chief meteorologist bill martin joins us now. >> these are the current temperatures. ante in ant -- 80 in antioch. day time highs tomorrow continue to warm. warming trend underway right now. you will notice tonight, 47 santa rosa. 46 napa. patchy coastal fog and cool in oakland, 50 degrees over night. coming up at 5:30 p.m. the weather, and the temperature change tomorrow, warm up, how much warmer and the warmest day on the weekend, how warm that will be and showers into the five-day forecast. they are being called the landlords from hell. new at 5:30 p.m. eviction by ammonia, the actions that got two landlords sentenced for terrorizing their
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tentants. >> e -- tenants. >> the founder of the men's warehouse is out of a job. why george zimmer was fired. >> accusations of racial profiling at a county fair, the ban that will keep certain people out of a annual event. nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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new at 5:00 p.m. something unusual is happening at the fair this year. certain colors of clothes are being banned and the aclu says that could lead to racial profiling. it will epien in -- open in two weeks and the dress code causing controversy. >> ktvu's rob roth joins us live where people are raising several rights concerns over
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the ban. >> we are at the fairgrounds and as you could see right now they are erecting the main tent. there will be a dress time for the fair aimed at avoiding gang turf wars but some say it goes way too far. >> reporter: crews are just beginning to get the fair ready for the july 3 scheduled opening but with the fair comes a new dress code. >> we want to provide a safe, secure experience for all our guests. >> reporter: it gives law enforcement the right to ask anyone displaying gang colors to remove them or be ejected and it allows them to stop anyone wearing red or blue baseball caps. that has the aclued. >> pick and choose among who they are going to approach and
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that will be people of color. >> reporter: the long list of clothes that may catch the eyes of law enforcement includes a's hats. raiders jerseys with specific numbers. red shoe laces and the chaps clothing line. >> you don't write a blank check to the police that lets them stop any young person they want. >> they have specific training to identify and so they have that training so i don't think the average fair guest needs to be concerned about cardinals ball caps. >> reporter: we asked what they thought. >> i could be made to feel different. >> how do you feel about that? >> that is not cool. >> they are trying to make sure security is good and this is
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fair. >> reporter: officials are not preventing anyone from coming to the fair just leave the gang clothing at home. >> reporter: the aclu says if there is evidence of racial profiling they will try to get the ordinance over terned for next year. rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. today was opening day for the alameda county fair. this video was taken at 11:00 a.m. this morning. one of the new attractions is a ride called vertigo. it rises 95 feet up into the air and swings 85 feet around and there are new bouncing ball races and plenty of music and food. they are hoping to beat last year's record tentance. it runs through -- attendance, it runs through july 7. yesterday concession workers had a sit in.
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police said anyone who violates the code of conduct can be kicked out. the union says workers gone without a contract since april 2009 and they are asking fans for solidarity. >> we would like fans to be in soldairy with the workers and don't buy you are food here. get your food and bring it in. you are allowed to. and you will save lot of money. >> they are offering a fair contract says the managers but the union claims negotiations went back wards. at issue is health insurance and pay. hearing sunday's big sewage problem at the colosseum were not due to old pipes. the a's who want to move to san jose says it was due to an old stadium but the general manager said someone jammed something into the toilet and clogged the line which has now been
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cleared. it will cost tens of thousands of dollars. tesla is recalling some of its model s cars. they have discovered a bracket on a rear set latch was not installed correctly. they say all of the effected cars were manufactured between may 10 and june 8 of this year. car owners will be contacted contacted and they will pick up the cars, fix the problem and return the car back to you in a matter of hours. the condition of aging bridges. a month ago ktvu channel 2 news investigated bay area bridges that were labeled structurally deficient by the government. we uncoveredcovered the averagecovered the sage 47 years -- the average age is 47.
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tonight we have a investigation into troubled bridges. a new list of dozens of bridges that are in desperate need of repair. >> the i-5 bridge that collapsed in washington was old. so old its design did not include safe guards. bridges in the bay area have the same problem and are also considered structurally deficient. there is the third street bridge in san francisco over the creek. built at the end of world war two. driving theporous way in san jose -- express way in san jose it is structurally deficient and three bridgeles on 880 are each -- bridges on 880 are each more than 80 years old. he says money is the problem.
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income is declining at the state and city levels. this problem is not unique to any one state. 1-9 bridges nationwide is considered structurally deficient. >> matter of setting priority. >> reporter: transportation for america says last year congress got rid of a bridge budget. congress can fix that when members craft a new transportation bill next year before another bridge crisis. ktvu channel 2 news. what serena williams said about a high profile rape case and why she is apologizing. first eclaims of a cover -- claims of a cover up, what was the real reason for the deadly explosion of twa flight near new york city. and now to jaily h for -- julie
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haener for new at 6 p.m. >> police have been warning about cell phone theft, how many phones were stolen in the last few weeks and a big raise is in store for california lawmakers. how much of your tax money they will rake in and the fate of gay marriage in california is still in limbo. how people in the bay area are preparing for any outcome. these stories and much more coming up at 6:00 p.m. mary gonzales had a cold, she also has asthma. so she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan, who sees that she's due for a mammogram.
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mary has one that day. that's when she finds out she has a tumor. she has a successful surgery and because her health provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. i don't know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. kaiser permanente. thrive
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i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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17 years ago twa flight 800 exploded killing everyone on board. official report found the crash was accidental but now they claim it has been covered up. >> in july 1996 the twa exploded off the coast of long island, killing 230 people. the national transportation safety board found the most likely cause was a short circuit in the wiring to the fuel tank but six members of the investigation team challenged that finding. they claim radar and evidence shows an outside explosion brought down the plane. they want the investigation reopened. >> the family members need to know what happened to their loved ones.
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this investigation was -- not one witness was allowed to testify. >> the agenda was this was an accident, make it show. >> the ntsb said it reviewed, and documented the crash but they indicated it might be open to a second look. they said our investigations are never closed and we can review any new information. serena williams is apologizing because of what she said about a young rape victim. she issued a statement saying she wasn't saying the girl was to blame for what happened and she says what she told rolling stone was hurtful. the victim was drunk when she was raped at a party in ohio. serena williams said the girl shouldn't have put herself in that position and lucky it wasn't worse. the two football players involved were both convicted. what the government will do to keep interest rates at
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record lows. >> the landlords from hell, what they did that set off an investigation and earned them a prison turn. >> cutting deadly infections in half, the good news about a acseen and its impact on girl -- vaceen and its impact on girls -- vaccine and its impact on girls. >> and i am back here with your forecast, we could have temperatures back into the 80s.
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a picture perfect day today in the bay area. these are pictures from oakland. a great day to be outside. today is the last full day of spring. >> ktvu's chief meteorologist bill martin is joining us with the warm up. >> starting today. temperatures came up a couple degrees. i got the national weather service highs for today. you will see 80 in antioch. 79 fairfield. temperatures tomorrow come up a few more degrees. a warming trend here into the next days. here is how the system to the north is looking. oregon, right, seeing rain in the cascades. lot of rain in boise. we are close enough to the high-
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pressure system it kept things chilly today. not our typical summer heat but it will become more typical tomorrow as temperatures get elevated again. numbers back into the 80s. temperatures today, cooler but warmer next couple days. looking at the winds around the bay, they are light. 16 miles per hour fairfield. 13 miles per hour, westerly, right, but they are not as robust. last night, two nights ago, 30 miles per hour winds in the delta area. winds have been cut in half. less cool, moist air, that warms us up. no fog along the coast. we will see patchy fog tonight, tomorrow morning. tonight if you go out, it will be nite. upper 50s. low 60s. and then drops down into the
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40s over night. warming trend starts tomorrow, hangs in till friday. weekend looks nice too. it will drop off a little bit on saturday. fog forecast shows something going on. not much. highs, orangeys are 8 -- oranges are 80s. warmer temperature foot print than the last couple days. warming tomorrow and warming more as we head into friday. high pressure builds in. gives us fog. main thing, warming temperatures inland. this low pressure as it moves over to the north of us, off, we will see high pressure take over and temperatures warm. 80s, right? tomorrow warmer day. patchy coastal fog. sonoma 80. 81 clear lake. that is the warmest spots. 83 antioch. these still -- right?
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still not hot. they are coming up. friday the warmest day. 90 degrees in the warmest cities. 75 in santa clara. along the coast, mid-60s. san francisco downtown 67 degrees. five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view. you can see the warmest spots tomorrow, 83. around the bay, 72. friday inland 86. saturday 87. drops off 80 and 78 on monday. cooler. five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view, we will see you tonight at 10:00 p.m. they have been described as the landlords from hell and today they were sentenced for their actions. ktvu's david stevenson is live where you spoke with onof their victims about the claims made against the landlords. >> reporter: that's right. this case began down the block as a local landlord tenant
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dispute. >> reporter: they have been nicknamed the landlords from hell for the dispute at this building. he used to manage the building. >> you come into the building, we will shoot you. >> reporter: san francisco district attorney george gascsn says they began a campaign to drive out 10 tonight turn the -- 10 tonight turn the building -- tenants to turn the building into condos. she poured ammonia on belongings and threatened to kidnap and dismember the children and they are accused of hiring crews to cut support beams. >> he saw the saw. >> they jumped bail in 2010 and arrested last year. they pleaded guilty to
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burglary, stalking and attempted prand shift. the attorney said they -- grant theft. he says the couple destroyed his belongings. >> i feel like some kind of hoppy because finally they justice is coming. >> reporter: they are set to be sentenced in august. reporting live in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. stocks dropped today because of what the fed is doing about interest rates. they could be getting ready to back off of its program to buying bonds to hold down interest rates. they will continuebuy bonds
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for now. the fed used the program to pump trillions of dollars into the economy. something critics say could lead to run away inflation. that news did not go over well on wall street. there was a sell off today. the dow is down 205 to 15,112. the nasdaq is down 38 at 3,443. the s&p is down 22 to 1,628. apple tv is expanding its program in two areas. apps are available for disney, watch espn and go. viewers must have subscriptions to use the apps. grand opening celebration at the new skate park in fremont. it opened a couple weeks ago on may 31. tonight there will be music, art and skateboarding
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demonstrations. the park was built on an acre of land. it features several bowls and a street course. a surprising business move, the man who popularized i guarantee it is ousted by the company he founded. what george zimmer of men's warehouse is saying. >> executives grilled on capitol hill and tea party members rally in washington, d.c. the investigation they are calling calling for and the organization they say should be abolished.
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hundreds of tea party demonstrators converged on the u.s. capitol hill demanding a investigation into the irs after targeted conservative groups. some including republican congresswoman michele bachmann called for an tend to the irs. >> you are here and you are clear with your message and your message is it is time to abolish the irs. >> the irs is very, very abusive towards the american people. and it is time that ends. the government is to serve us. we are not to serve the government. >> congress are investigating the irs scandal but the tea party wants the president to
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appoint a outside special counsel. a official says they approved a miracle attributed to the pope. the case now goes to a commission of cardinals and then pope francis. the newest member of the royal family weeks away from being born. they are making preparations. duchess of cambridge plans to give birth at st. mary's hospital where her husband was born. when the child is born a piece of paper will be displayed and an announcement posted on twitter. a vaccine targeting human papilloma virus to be
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working. it cut in half the number of hpv infections in teen girls. it protects against the types of hpv that cause cervical cancer. only half of girls got one dose and one third had all three shots. best buy is recalling thousands of laptop batteries because of a fire risk. 13 battery fires have been reported and one person suffered a serious burn on the leg. the batteries were sold online through best buy's geek squad services from september 2008 to june 2012. the face and the voice of men's warehouse for decades. >> i guarantee it. >> the move the company made today that makes it clear george zimmer isn't well suited for certain goals.
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>> and fashion designers dolce & did go -- and fashion designers dolce & gabbana 60ed, the charges that could send them to prison. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the next wave of italians has come to america, and they've come to party. the fiat 500, powered by beats. [ horn honks ] i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down,
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$0 due at signing, $0 deposit, visit today.
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. george zimmer the man who founded the men's warehouse has bip fired. for 30 years -- been fired. for 30 years he has been telling people they will like the way they look. >> reporter: you know it by heart. >> you will like the way you
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look. i guarantee it. >> i guarantee it. >> i guarantee it. >> reporter: men's warehouse headquarters, they grew out george zimmer. customers reacted. >> he represented the company. his voice is a household face that you know. >> seeing the commercials. he is the face and the voice of the company. i don't understand it. >> i can't believe they fired him. who is going to tell me i like the way i look. >> reporter: he is hardly forgotten. you will still find his picture on the website and his phrase. >> might be retaining him from preventing him to go to another competitor. >> reporter: she says in the long term it should not hurt the brand. >> it is getting to be a brand. they needed a rejuvenation.
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>> they have a very special place in the hearts of consumers. >> reporter: do you think if it falls apart they will bring him back? >> does he want to come back. >> reporter: another board fired a guy named steveb jobs and -- steve jobs and the rest is history. consumer editor tom vacar ktvu channel 2 news. fashion designers dolce & gabbana convicted of tax evasion, failing to declare a billion dollars in income tax. the court sentenced them to one year and 8 months in jail. they argue dolce & gabbana avaded taxes. they -- evaded taxes. the man accused of holding three ohio women captive for a decade appeared before a judge today. a hearing was held for ariel
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castro and a trial date set for august 4. he is accused of holding amanda berry, gina dejesus, and michelle knight captive. he faces numerous charges. including murder, rape and kidnapping. the search for the remains of jimmy hoffa yielded no signs. the fbi is calling off the search in michigan. they began digging on monday after receiving a tip. he was 62 years old when he disappeared in 1975. will a major airline merger lead to higher ticket prices? that is the question the committee asked executives with u.s. air and american today. some senators are worried it would leave flyers with fewer choices and make it easier to hike fees as they did earlier this year. they defended the decision and said mergers didn't cause fee hikes and won't cause layoffs
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either. >> reduction in work force is not the case in the merger. he is wrong. we are going to put together two airlines that are complimentary, 900 routes. >> a consumer group says the government should consider intervening to stop the merger because layoffs and price hikes will follow. car owners are giving cue doughs to porsche. they listed porsche at the top when the comes to vehicle quality. 83,000 car owners participated. other companies singled out for top quality are gmv, lexus, infinity and chevrolet. the worst were scion, fiat, nissan and mini. the top complaints were about voice recognition systems that don't understand and blue death that don't connect -- bluetooth
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that don't connect. 8.5 miles of new lines from oakland to crockett. the distribute ask seeking feet -- is seeking feed back from the public at 6:00 p.m. this is the second meeting. a third meeting will be held next week. ktvu channel 2 news investigating cell phones being stolen. ktvu's julie haener is live with that and more stories. >> at 6:00 p.m. cell phone swiped, the number of phones stolen in the last month. plus see how people are bracing to hear the fate of gay marriage in california. and continuing coverage oen a -- on a story you saw on 2. >> why the bust of this brosself a smaller part of a big -- draughtal is a smaller
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part of -- brothel is a smaller part of the investigation. pedestrian sting. officers issued 50 citations in 2-1/2 hours at one spot. ktvu's tara moriarty explains why police are focusing on that one area. >> reporter: if you walk across at 39th avenue, get ready to dodge cars. within the first 5 minutes of the sting several drivers are busted. >> we don't want to catch people, we have ebthe decoy wearing a bright yellow west -- we have the decoy wearing the bright yellow vest. >> reporter: they had a pedestrian killed in the month of april. >> yield to the pedestrians. >> reporter: officers from all three police departments spanned out over the peninsula doling out tickets. one driver ewho got llov
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wasn't hap -- who got pulled over wasn't happy. >> reporter: do you think it is fair? >> i think it is a judgment call. >> reporter: what are the excuses? >> didn't see her, she stepped out in front of me. >> reporter: [ inaudible question ] >> [ inaudible ]. >> reporter: some received ticketsch tickets -- tickets, others warnings. >> i was wrong. i saw her right there. >> reporter: this ticket is going to cost you, it is considered a moving violation, which is equivalent to running a red light. it can run into the hundreds of dollars. >> if they need to raise awareness there could be a better way. >> reporter: she would have felt worse if she hit somebody so for her and others it is a great reminder to stop. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. the bumpy road to peace. the fall out and concerns after the united states agreed to talks with the taliban about
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peace in afghanistan. look at them kids. [ sigh ]
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they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet.
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♪ i'm a loving husband and a real good dad ♪ ♪ but weeds just make me rattlesnake mad ♪ ♪ now roundup has a new sharp-shootin' wand ♪ ♪ i'm sendin' them weeds to the great beyond ♪ ♪ roundup yeha! [ whip cracks ] ♪ ♪ no need to pump, just point and shoot ♪ ♪ hit 'em in the leaves, and it kills to the root ♪ ♪ 'round fences, trees, even mulched beds ♪ ♪ 'cause the only good weed is a weed that's dead ♪ ♪ roundup yeha! [ whip cracks ] [ male announcer ] roundup... [ whip cracks ] with the new one-touch wand. we may no longer live in fear of global niilation but as long as nuclear weapons exist we are not safe. >> president obama wrapped up his trip to germany with
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a speech. president obama announced he will reduce the threat of nuclear warfare. the president set a goal of reducing it by one third. president obama also commented on the collapse of peace talks between the u.s. and afghanistan. he said it is no surprise there are bumps in the road to peace. >> we are in the middle of a war. and afghans are still being killed and members of the international forces are still being killed. >> the u.s. is and afghanistan were discussed the military role but afghanistan canceled. one raised his own doubts. >> we don't see a plan being presented by the administration on how this would unfold and what america's end game is.
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the taliban complained responsibility for an attack that killed four american soldiers. talks between the taliban are expected to begin this week. new wildfire in colorado. this as firefighters continue to battle the most destructive fire in colorado history. that is in jefferson county. firefighters are worried wind and dry conditions could make it spread quickly. 400 homes and businesses have received calls telling them to evacuate. investigators haven't determined the cause of a grass fire west of petaluma monday. they are looking into a report someone might have thrown a cigarette from a car. it burned through 20 acres. our chief meteorologist bill martin is here tracking a heat up. >> close to summer here. temperatures on the warm up. looking at patchy coastal fall tonight and tomorrow night.
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highs tomorrow around the coast, golden gate park 60s. bay, numbers in to the mid-70s. not going to be hot. warmer. breezy too. the hot spots in the inland bay valleys, mid-80s. warmest spots, antioch and fairfield. the next day, temperatures increase. specific numbers, 83 antioch. not hot, is it? but warmer than it has been. 72 hayward. 75 free minute. next couple days -- fremont. next couple days a warm up. not going to get hot but on the warm up thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday as well. outside right now, no fog along the coast. looking back towards san francisco international airport. a warm up on the way. now at 6:00 p.m. we heard the warnings.
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only on 2, cell phone robberies robberies and we pinpoint where they tend to strike the most in the bay area. >> new details about a brothel busted on the peninsula. the other locations linked to the ring. >> and we could learn if same- sex couples will be allowed to get married in california. >> they are booked to the point where we need make reservations. >> a potential boom in the east bay. should prop 8 be thrown out. complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 p.m. >> good evening. hello. i am frank somerville. >> and i am julie haener. >> only on two tonight, there is new evidence a cell phone robbery epidemic in san francisco might be getting worse. ktvu's eric rasmussen is live in the city. eric? >> reporter: we looked through the 80 pages of crime reports
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from san francisco police, we found 60 cases of cell phone robberies so far this month and there are a few more just today. >> reporter: they didn't know but these women were walking down an alley off of mission street where a man's cell phone was the target of a robbery earlier this morning. >> reporter: are you worried? >> no. >> reporter: just a few blocks away another person was hit after 3:30 a.m. it was the 63 cell phone robbery in san francisco this month. police say two suspects with a gun approached the victim d manding money and -- demanding money and his cell phone. going through every san francisco crime report in june, half of them involved a cell phone. so far this month there have been 16 reported cell phone robberies in the mission district alone. more than any other neighborhood. bay view had the


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